Monday, March 9, 2020

The SAFETY of Hypochlorous Acid - It's so safe, you can literally soak food in it!

In this video, you can see for yourself that some restaurants and markets actually SOAK FOOD in this water.  How many other types of sanitizers would you be able to do this with?

On page 35 of this presentation, funded by the Environmental Protection Fund as administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, you can see HOCl described as the
  "BEST, SAFEST, LESS TOXIC sanitizer / disinfectant on the market today." 

You can even see an interview with two guys talking about HOCl from an industrial grade machine, and they actually take a swig of it!  The guy who operates the machine said he's done it many times. But PLEASE NOTE, I am absolutely NOT telling you to do this, nor am I saying it is safe for you to do it. Hypochlorous acid is not "recommended" for drinking! I am simply telling you about this to illustrate the point that it's not the scary chemical some people may think it is, just because it has a smell that is similar to bleach. You would never ever want to drink bleach, but the CDC is recommending that people put a small amount of it into water, to use it to kill the coronavirus.

There is a good amount of chlorine (an oxidant) in the tap water many of us use for cooking and showering. What I am saying is, our bodies are able to handle exposure to small amounts of oxidants  (your own body produces them, to kill germs). We just have to be careful to keep things in balance. 

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