Sunday, March 8, 2020

How Hypochlorous Acid is used by Eye Doctors

See what these eye doctors have to say about Hypochlorous acid.  When I was a kid, I used to get sties in my right eye, pretty regularly. It left a small scar on my right eye, that to this day, people sometimes ask me about. I wish I had known about hypochlorous acid back then!

HOCl is a key ingredient in eyedrops like HypoChlor... but the downside is, it can cost you about $10 per ounceIn 2014 I got an eye infection bad enough so that I had to go to the eye doctor for antibiotic eye drops. Part of the reason I got this infection is because my eyes were dry, which makes them more prone to small abrasions from dust and debris.  After we got our machine, I scratched my eye again, but this time I was able to make hypochlorous acid, myself. I put drops of it in my eye, and it never got infected. Please note that I am not telling you to do this, and this is not medical advice - I am just sharing a story about my own personal experience with hypochlorous acid. If you have an eye infection, you should be under the care of an eye doctor. But I thought my story was worth telling, and I encourage you to do your own research. 

This is an excellent article by an Eye doctor, about hypochlorous acid:
Hypochlorous acid: harnessing nature’s germ killer

Here are some videos featuring eye doctors who use and recommend hypochlorous acid in their practice. The doctors in the second video do a great job in explaining how the hypochlorous acid kills pathogens that can cause eye infections. 

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